Sunday, March 8, 2009


I'm DYING to go up to SF while it's still cold out. Stay in a pretty hotel right in Union Square and shop. I've been wanting to do this for a while.. And with spring coming up, I need to get on it!

Lately all of my friends are moving back to SLO, and although Sara hasn't left yet, I'm already feeling left out and I hate it. It sounds so dumb.. I guess I'm scared that everyones going to become really close and forget about me in LA. And I have no friends here. Actually.. I have Misty, and I really do love hanging out with her. She's a great friend and I feel lucky to have her here with me. I guess I'll just see how it all plays out before I get too upset over it. It's just something that's hard for me not to think about.

It's crazy how much difference just a few months can make in ones life. I feel like, when I was in San Luis, I was in such a different place mentally and physically than I am now. I feel like my move to LA has already helped me grow up so much, and become so much more independent. I do more for my own happiness and health and I just love where I'm at so much more.
I do wish I had more friends down here to go out and experience new things with.. But Ian visits a lot and I'm very lucky for that. We're not that great at making new adventures together.. We're both creatures of habit and like to stay in our comfort zone, but I think he'd be pretty easy to break out of his shell. I wish he wasn't sick today because I'm DYING to go hike.. Oh well, another day I guess!

I went to the Natural Foods and Wellness Expo in Anaheim yesterday. I'm definitely going to go every year.. It was so fun! And I got tons of free swag, including reusable bags that I can take when I walk to the market! (=

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